Open that folder in the terminal or command prompt (in Windows, shift + right-click and select "Open command window here").

for WIndows, you'll have "youtube-dl.exe" and "ffmpeg.exe" in the same folder). Unzip it (if needed, grab 7-zip) and copy contents of "bin" folder to same folder as youtube-dl (so e.g.If not already installed, download ffmpeg ( direct link to Windows version).(Based on this comment by xubuntu4iran and the options in the readme.) Reporting it brings it to our attention and will definitely be looked at by someone. If something is not reported, it will most likely slip past us. If you see anyone breaking the rules above, please report the post and/or message the mods. The mods also reserve the right to remove any particularly bad quality posts at their discretion. Attacking or being aggressive to others.These kinds of posts will be removed and the user BANNED Memes, image macros, plain-text image posts.Basically, if there was no problem/issue in the first place then it's not a lifehack. r/lifeprotips are for all kinds of tips for life ( Text Posts Only). Software being used in the way it was designed to be used (that includes keyboard shortcuts).Commercial products with a specific purpose.